How to Speak English Fluently?

We have been learning English from our childhood. But, still, we can’t speak fluently. Right? You are reading this article now. It means you understand English. But, can you speak? Probably, NO. The problem is, we have never tried to speak in English. Let’s see, how we have learned Marathi?

How you have learned your native language?

Just think about how we have learned our native language(Marathi/Hindi etc). We started by listening to people from the day we were born. Gradually, we started understanding what people were saying. While learning our native language, we used to listen to our parents when we were kids. Whatever we were listening to, we tried to speak. One day, we became fluent. Did we read any book? Did we write anything? The answer is NO. It means to speak any language we need not read or write anything.

How you have learned the English language?

While learning English, we started reading books of Grammar, then we started writing exams but we never tried to speak in English. In fact, we were neither given a chance nor we took a chance to speak in English.

Now, what you need to do?

You need to focus more on speaking as compared to writing and reading. ABKO English Academy believes the same. We always tell our students to speak more, more and more. We strongly believe that speaking is the only way to improve English.

I am going to give you a few tips which may help you to improve your English. 

Think In English

The first way is "Think In English". Whenever you’re at home (or alone somewhere) you can practice your English with your favorite person: yourself. Sometimes the difficult thing about talking in a new language isn’t the language itself, but how you think about it.f you think in your native language and then try to speak English, you’ll always have to translate between languages. Translating isn’t an easy thing to do! Try to use English when you’re thinking about your day, or what you did yesterday and what you are going to do now or tomorrow. You can do this anywhere, anytime. Stop thinking in your native language. So now you must be having a question in your mind.

When we don’t know how to speak English, how we can think in English. Remember guys, English is a structured language. For every sentence, there is a fixed structure. You need to understand the structures. Let me give you an example. If you are saying something about your ability, you have to use ‘can’. I can dance/sing. If you want to give advice to someone then you have to use ‘should’. You should study regularly. You should exercise daily. You should not play games on mobile for a long time. If you want to say something that you have (you are the owner of something or something that belongs to you temporarily or permanently) then you can say, I have a car/flat/mobile. If you want to point out the object or objects, you can use this/that/these/those. This is a pen. If you want to talk about some object or objects with a place then you can use “there”. There are many shops in Pune. here shops are objects(things) and Pune is a place.  You have to think English in this way.

Talk to yourself

The second way is “talk to yourself”. Whenever you are alone at home, talk to yourself aloud. Plan your whole day in English. You can talk to yourself whenever you go for a walk. If you’re already thinking in English, try speaking your thoughts out loud. Readout loud, too. The practice is practice, and even if you don’t have anyone to correct your mistakes, just the act of speaking out loud will help you become more comfortable speaking English.

Use a mirror

The Fourth Way is “use a mirror”. Stand in front of a mirror and talk to yourself by looking at yourself. What you did yesterday, what you do every day, what you are going to do today and what you will do tomorrow. It can improve your tenses, it will increase your confidence and you will feel like you are talking to someone. Whenever you can, take a few minutes out of your day to stand in front of the mirror and speak. Choose a topic, set a timer for 2 or 3 minutes and just talk.

The point of this exercise is to watch your mouth, face and body language as you speak. It also makes you feel like you’re talking to someone, so you can pretend you’re having a discussion with a study buddy. Talk for the full 2 or 3 minutes. Don’t stop! If you get stuck on a word you don’t know, try expressing your idea in a different way. You can always look up how to say that word after the 2-3 minutes end. This will definitely help you find out what kinds of words or sentences you have trouble with .

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